Home Builders in Knoxville TN | Saddlebrook Properties

There are different “elevations” for every floorplan? What does this mean and does it affect the price?

There are different “elevations” for every floorplan? What does this mean and does it affect the price?

We typically offer two to three “elevations” for each floorplan. Elevation refers to the “look” and overall architecture of the front facade.

The most common Saddlebrook elevations are Classic, European, Traditional, and our newly added Farmhouse elevations. Each elevation has different styles, materials, rooflines, and architecture. This allows us to build popular floorplans more frequently in our communities without creating a “cookie cutter” look in the neighborhood. We recommend you look at each elevation of your favorite floorplan before determining which plan has the most curb appeal. The cost difference in the plans is simply the difference in labor and material costs to build a specific elevation.

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